If you’re missing one or more teeth, you are probably aware of their importance to your appearance and dental health. All of your teeth work together to help you chew, speak and smile. When teeth are missing, it is difficult to do these things. A missing tooth whether it is a front tooth or a back tooth may cause your mouth to shift affecting your bite and causing your face to look older.
A missing tooth can be replaced with a bridge, a dental appliance or dental implant.
A dental implant is the tooth replacement that most closely resembles and feels like a natural tooth. The implant is comprised of a metal post which fuses with bone and acts like a root. The post is topped by a crown which sits above the gums and resembles a natural tooth in shape, color and feel.
An implant is secure and stable and is a good replacement for missing teeth. However, implants require surgery and not everyone is a candidate for implants. To be a candidate for implant surgery you must be in good health and have healthy gums. Implants also require an adequate amount of bone for attachment. A second surgery may be required to build-up your jawbone so that the implant can be placed. Only your dentist can determine if you have an adequate amount of bone. A full evaluation by your dentist will help determine if you are a candidate.
Dr. Franck offers a free consultation to discuss Dental Implants for Teeth Replacement.
Call our office today to schedule an appointment at 916-415-1913
Once it is determined that an implant would be the best treatment for you a surgery is performed to place the metal implant post. Up to six months may be needed to allow time for the bone to grow around the implant post while it is covered by your gum tissue. After healing, the replacement crown is made and fitted to the implant post. This replacement crown sits above the gums.
An advantage of an implant is that it is very similar to a natural tooth. Also, the adjacent teeth are not affected or involved in the placement procedure. Implants will also prevent future damage by helping to prevent shrinkage of the jawbone due to tooth loss.
The disadvantage of an implant is that not everyone can be a candidate for implant surgery. There is also an extended healing time required for implants of up to six months, or longer if there are complications. This means there are additional dental visits making treatment time longer in comparison to other treatment options.
Once an implant is placed it requires the same maintenance and care that natural teeth require. This means daily brushing, flossing and rinsing. In addition, regular dental visits and professional cleanings are required to maintain the health of the surrounding bone and gums that support the implant.
Only your dentist can determine whether an implant is the best treatment option for you. Other dental specialists such as a periodontist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon may be needed for their expertise.
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